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Quieten   Listen

Become quiet or quieter.  Synonyms: hush, pipe down, quiesce, quiet, quiet down.
Make calm or still.  Synonyms: calm, calm down, lull, quiet, still, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillize.
Cause to be quiet or not talk.  Synonyms: hush, hush up, shut up, silence, still.

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"Quieten" Quotes from Famous Books

... men, women, and children, all in a hurry and all impatient. Families by tens and dozens are swarming about. How pathetic it is to see the father with one child in his arms and two clinging to his coat-tails, while the mother (poor bedraggled soul) is vainly striving to quieten a squalling fourth! Some children have lost their parents, and grope about underneath, nipping the legs of tourists to attract attention and get hold of the right father; others fall among bales of strawberries ...
— Literary Tours in The Highlands and Islands of Scotland • Daniel Turner Holmes

Words linked to "Quieten" :   stamp down, lenify, solace, gruntle, console, placate, subdue, inhibit, shush, reassure, conquer, conciliate, pacify, suppress, calm, muzzle, change intensity, shut up, comfort, louden, assure, gag, shout down, assuage, soothe, gentle, compose, agitate, curb, still, appease, mollify

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