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Life story   /laɪf stˈɔri/   Listen
Life story

An account of the series of events making up a person's life.  Synonyms: biography, life, life history.

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"Life story" Quotes from Famous Books

... ideas. The effect is much less artistic when the photoplay, as not seldom happens, uses this pattern as a mere substitute for words. In the picturization of a Gaboriau story the woman declines to tell before the court her life story which ended in a crime. She finally yields, she begins under oath to describe her whole past; and at the moment when she opens her mouth the courtroom disappears and fades into the scene in which the ...
— The Photoplay - A Psychological Study • Hugo Muensterberg

... THE WORLD. No plot. It's a home life story, a conversation. A man is telling a woman that he is just bored stiff ...
— The Harlequinade - An Excursion • Dion Clayton Calthrop and Granville Barker

... largely a thing of intermingling currents, of interwoven threads, of reacting forces, that it is well-nigh impossible understandingly to portray the life story of one person without occasionally pausing to review, at least briefly, incidents in the lives of others with which it ...
— 'Smiles' - A Rose of the Cumberlands • Eliot H. Robinson

... been finding out all about you, I got your life story from the day you were born, and there's no use your trying to hide anything. I know your part in this here bomb plot, and I can send you to the gallows without any trouble whatever. But there's some things I can't prove on the other fellows. ...
— 100%: The Story of a Patriot • Upton Sinclair

... Handicaps we took him back to the boarding house with us, and he sat beside Fosgill and ate ravenously of everything placed before him. We learned Patsy's life story that evening. He went to school—generally. He lived with Brian. Brian was his brother, eighteen years old, and a man of business; Brian drove for Connors, the teamster. Patsy wasn't sure that he ...
— The New Boy at Hilltop • Ralph Henry Barbour

Words linked to "Life story" :   account, hagiography, Parallel Lives, chronicle, profile, autobiography, history, story

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