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Eyewitness   /ˈaɪwˈɪtnəs/   Listen

Be present at an event and see it with one's own eyes.

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"Eyewitness" Quotes from Famous Books

... standing unmoved under this torrent of abuse is, I think, the most dramatic incident of his life. It was a victory of glorious endurance; it was the crown of unmerited infamy which was needed to give depth of interest to his successful career. An eyewitness thus described the scene: "Dr. Franklin's face was directed towards me, and I had a full, uninterrupted view of it, and his person, during the whole time in which Mr. Wedderburn spoke. The Doctor was dressed in a full dress suit of spotted Manchester velvet, and stood conspicuously erect ...
— Benjamin Franklin • Paul Elmer More

... these sparing and reverent words sound to you like the product of devout imagination, embellishing with legend the facts of history? To me their very restrainedness, calmness, matter-of-factness, if I may so call it, are a strong guarantee that they are the utterance of an eyewitness, who verily saw what he tells so simply. There is something sublime in the contrast between the magnificence and almost inconceivable grandeur of the thing communicated, and the quiet words, so few, so sober, so wanting in all detail, in which ...
— Expositions of Holy Scripture - St. Mark • Alexander Maclaren

Words linked to "Eyewitness" :   viewer, witness, looker, watcher, spectator

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