"Espana" Quotes from Famous Books
... untranslated into the language of that country,—a singular neglect, when his later and less elaborate work, "Poesie and Kunst der Araber in Spanien und Sicilien" (Berlin, 1865), has already found an excellent Spanish interpreter in Don Juan Valera, two volumes of whose "Poesia y Arte de los Arabes en Espana y Sicilia" (Madrid, 1868), I was fortunate enough to meet with during a recent visit ... — The Two Lovers of Heaven: Chrysanthus and Daria - A Drama of Early Christian Rome • Pedro Calderon de la Barca
... the crew very busy in polishing up the ship, and ranging the cables along the deck, as getting them ready for anchoring in called; and men were aloft all day looking out ahead; and then came the shout of "Terra! terra!—Espana!" and I found that we were approaching the coast of Spain. The next morning when I went on deck the ship was at anchor, surrounded by land, with a large city on one side, and other towns or villages scattered about on the other. This was the ... — On the Banks of the Amazon • W.H.G. Kingston
... MS. "Historia Antiqua de la Nueva Espana," A.D. 1585, quotes from the lips of a native of Cholula, over one hundred years old, a version of the legend as to the building of the great pyramid of Cholula. It ... — The Antediluvian World • Ignatius Donnelly
... history of Spain. These relics are now secure, but the task has been supinely delayed, till, in the year 1671, a fire consumed the greatest part of the Escurial library, rich in the spoils of Grenada and Morocco. * Note: Compare the valuable work of Conde, Historia de la Dominacion de las Arabes en Espana. Madrid, 1820.—M.] ... — The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 5 • Edward Gibbon
... a thousand bearded lips, echoed furious, greedy, terrible cries; "Santiago, Espana, a sangre, a carne, a fuego, a saco!"—[St. Jago; Spain, blood, murder, fire, pillage]—but Navarrete was silent, striding onward, erect and haughty, as if he were proof against the bullets, that whistled around him on all sides. Consciousness ... — Uarda • Georg Ebers
... which for years has been enacted in this city of Manila has had some variation this year, from the time when the galleon "Santo Cristo de Burgos" set sail for Nueva Espana up to the present month of July, in which the galleon called "Nuestra Senora del Rosario, San Francisco Javier y Santa Rosa" has been fitted up for the said navigation. By it is [sent] this written relation, which will contain ... — The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 - Volume 40 of 55 • Francisco Colin
... territory, town to town, benefice to benefice, till their possessions extended widely through Spain, their income perhaps equalled that of the king, and their rule as landlords extended over almost a million people, or one-third the population of Castile. [Footnote: Vicente de la Fuente, Hist Generale de Espana, V., 79.] At the head of each of these orders was a grand master, whose rich income, military following, and prestige made him one of the greatest nobles in Europe. There was reason in the claim that these grand masterships were ... — European Background Of American History - (Vol. I of The American Nation: A History) • Edward Potts Cheyney
... The compilation containing these poems is entitled: "Hystoria y relacio verdadera de la enfermedad felicissimo transito y sumptuosas exequias funebres de la Serenissima Reyna de Espana Isabel de Valoys nuestra Senora", Madrid, 1569. The opening lines ... — Shakespeare and Precious Stones • George Frederick Kunz
... be despatched via the Cape of Good Hope, and all possible efforts should be made to drive out the Dutch and English from the Eastern seas. Los Rios proposes that for this purpose loans be asked from wealthy persons in Nueva Espana and Peru; and that the vessels needed be built in India. He makes recommendations for the routes and equipment of the vessels, both going and returning; and for the seasons ... — The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 • Emma Helen Blair
... frontier toward the Moro pirates; many of these devoted missionaries have even lost their lives in the Moro raids. Have not these religious, then, deserved the exemption from episcopal supervision that was granted to the religious in Nueva Espana? Moreover, the missions need more laborers than can be supported by their incomes (the royal grant from the tributes), and the order itself must maintain these additional men. It will become necessary for the order to abandon ... — The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume XXXVI, 1649-1666 • Various
... of five months I returned to Madrid the same day that the telegraph brought the news of the battle of Tetuan. I remember it as if it were yesterday. That night I bought the indispensable Correspondencia de Espana, and the first thing I read in it was the notice of Telesforo's death. His friends were invited to the ... — Stories by Foreign Authors: Spanish • Various
... Garcia! viva Gomez! a muerto Espana!" There was a moment's silence; then the voices broke out again in ... — Rita • Laura E. Richards
... version of Sahagun's Historia de la Nueva Espana, at Madrid. In the Compte Rendu of the Congres ... — A Record of Study in Aboriginal American Languages • Daniel G. Brinton
... troops be sent to Cebu; that the Spanish settlement there be raised to the rank of a city; that the regidors be crown appointees; and that its people be permitted to send their exports directly to Nueva Espana. He also advises that the port of Cavite be more strongly fortified. A royal decree (April 27) orders that one hundred religious be sent ... — The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 - Volume IX, 1593-1597 • E. H. Blair
... Spain, in this guise: "Charity, Sir Cavalier, for the love of God bestow an alms upon me, that I may purchase a mouthful of red wine!" In a moment I was on Spanish ground, and, having flung the beggar a small piece of silver, I cried in ecstasy: "Santiago y cierra Espana!" and scoured on my way with ... — The World's Greatest Books, Volume 19 - Travel and Adventure • Various |