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Computing   /kəmpjˈutɪŋ/   Listen

The branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures.  Synonym: computer science.
The procedure of calculating; determining something by mathematical or logical methods.  Synonyms: calculation, computation.

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"Computing" Quotes from Famous Books

... Itasca. Adding the estimate of 1,575 feet submitted by Schoolcraft in 1832, as the elevation of that lake, the Mississippi may be said to originate in an altitude of 1,582 feet above the Atlantic Ocean. Taking former estimates as the basis and computing reasonably through the western fork, its length may be placed at 3,184 miles. Assuming that the barometrical height of its source is 1,582 feet, it has a mean descent of over six inches ...
— Sword and Pen - Ventures and Adventures of Willard Glazier • John Algernon Owens

... with Tables of United States Measures, Sizes, Weights, Strengths, etc., of Iron, Wood, Stone, Brick, Cement and Concretes, Quantities of Materials in given Sizes and Dimensions of Wood, Brick and Stone; and full and complete Bills of Prices for Carpenter's Work and Painting; also, Rules for Computing and Valuing Brick and Brick Work, Stone Work, Painting, Plastering, with a Vocabulary of Technical Terms, etc. By FRANK W. VOGDES, Architect, Indianapolis, Ind. Enlarged, revised, and corrected. In one volume, 368 pages, full-bound, pocket-book ...
— Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught • Joshua Rose

... being introduced gives the main axis of the lake a more northeast and southwest direction. The Hore map has met the fate that usually overtakes the early surveys of every region. It rendered good service as long as it was the best map; but the Moore expedition had first-rate appliances for computing longitudes, and as Captain Hore lacked these, it is not strange that his map has ...
— Beacon Lights of History, Volume XIV • John Lord

... so excessive, as to cut off all hopes of a reasonable profit; nor can there be consumers enough here to take them off his hands, for so great a length of time to come, as I shall not be at the trouble of computing. ...
— A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay • Watkin Tench

... moon, but noticed and relied simply on the moon's phases, they did not become acquainted with the necessity of intercalations for the true length of the year. The Aztecs of Mexico, on the contrary, had a solar year, and had made an extraordinary advance in computing the true time. Their year consisted of eighteen months, of twenty days each, a perfectly arbitrary system. This division would give but three hundred and sixty days to the year. The remaining five were called empty or superfluous days, and were added to the last month of ...
— Incentives to the Study of the Ancient Period of American History • Henry R. Schoolcraft

... satisfactory coincidence present itself. But the difficulty is easily turned into a new proof of design. Putting all the observations together (says Professor Smyth), 'I deduced 47.24 pyramid inches to be the transverse height of the entrance passage; and computing from thence with the observed angle of inclination the vertical height, that came out 52.76 of the same inches. But the sum of those two heights, or the height taken up and down, equals 100 inches, which length, as elsewhere shown, is the general pyramid ...
— Myths and Marvels of Astronomy • Richard A. Proctor

... a pike staff that, if we confused dimensions when computing lengths and areas and volumes, we would wreck all the architectural and engineering structures of the world, and at the same time show ourselves stupider ...
— Manhood of Humanity. • Alfred Korzybski

... continent which the Incas had not subjugated, such as the Muyscas on the table-land of Bogota, north of Quito, who had a remarkable civil and religious organization, a temple of the sun built with stone columns, a regular system of computing time, a peculiar calendar, and who used small circular gold plates as coin. They ...
— Ancient America, in Notes on American Archaeology • John D. Baldwin

... insanity is described as seven times (chap. 4:25). We therefore conclude that the period of three and a half times signifies three and a half years. This agrees with the reign of the leopard beast of Revelation 13, namely, "forty and two months" (verse 5), or according to the Jewish method of computing time—thirty days to the month—twelve hundred and sixty days. Notice that this also agrees both in the manner of statement and in point of duration with the flight of the woman into the wilderness, as described in Revelation 12. She was ...
— The Last Reformation • F. G. [Frederick George] Smith

... arrangements necessary previous to his absence from Wolf's Crag for a day or two. It was necessary to communicate with Caleb on this occasion, and he found that faithful servitor in his sooty and ruinous den, greatly delighted with the departure of their visitors, and computing how long, with good management, the provisions which had been unexpended might furnish the Master's table. "He's nae belly god, that's ae blessing; and Bucklaw's gane, that could have eaten a horse behind the ...
— Bride of Lammermoor • Sir Walter Scott

... the Organization of Industry.—The advantages of the division of labor consist in an increase in the quantity of products and in an improvement in their quality, and the quantitative gain is almost beyond computing. The advantage appears mainly in the middle and upper subgroups of the series, which transform the materials, rather than in the lower subgroups, which produce them; and yet there is a gain everywhere from such organization. A man produces far more ...
— Essentials of Economic Theory - As Applied to Modern Problems of Industry and Public Policy • John Bates Clark

... state of excitement rush out, roll in the snow, get up and go on to the next similar place of entertainment. So with the army. With every group or circle of tents travels the invariable tea kettle, suspended from a tripod; and it would be in vain to think of computing how many times each soldier's pannikin is filled upon a halt. It is his first idea. Frequently he carries it cold in a copper case as a solace ...
— Twenty-Five Cent Dinners for Families of Six • Juliet Corson

... through a field glass while the men looked with naked eyes. The cap had no sooner come above the parapet than a ball was put through it. We all saw the smoke about ten or fifteen feet from the ground. I directed Sergeant Tucker to load with solid shot, to take his time about computing distance, elevation of piece, and aiming it. When he had the gun ready, we once more raised the cap, and promptly the bullet came. The sergeant had his piece ready aimed and he quickly said "fire." The next I saw the ...
— Campaign of Battery D, First Rhode Island light artillery. • Ezra Knight Parker

... these extraordinary facts is neither consistent with reason, and probability, nor with the other histories of the same event; it proceeds in pretty strict conformity to the manner in which it sets out. For to convince us still more fully that the author was totally ignorant of the mode of computing time in use among the Jews, and habituated to that in use among the Greeks and Romans? He reckons the Sabbath to last till day light on Sunday morn, and says, (chapter xxviii.), "that in the end of ...
— The Grounds of Christianity Examined by Comparing The New Testament with the Old • George Bethune English

... distance they are much more deficient than in computing numbers, having but one term which answers to fathom; when they speak of distances from place to place, they express it, like the Asiatics, by the time that is required ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. 13 • Robert Kerr

... grin upon the ghastly countenance of the French gentleman under the influence of the firelight, as if he were computing how many thousand slanderers and traitors array themselves against the fortunate, on premises exactly answering to those of Mr Wegg. One might have fancied that the big-headed babies were toppling over with their hydrocephalic attempts to reckon up the children of men who ...
— Our Mutual Friend • Charles Dickens

... admiration. He was thought a level-headed fellow who didn't expect miracles; his forecast in most matters was quoted, and his defeats at the polls had been to some extent neutralized by his sagacity in computing the returns in advance. ...
— The Imperialist • (a.k.a. Mrs. Everard Cotes) Sara Jeannette Duncan

... everywhere surrounded by this incomparable mineral, that it is brought to the surface from its deposits deep in the earth by the natural process in mining, and is only exceeded in quantity by the coal itself. Taking a columnar section of our coal field, and computing the thickness of each shale stratum, we have from twenty-five to sixty feet in thickness of this metal-bearing substance, which averages over twenty-five per cent. of the whole in ...
— Scientific American Supplement, Vol. XXI., No. 531, March 6, 1886 • Various

... lifetime, began another map while exploring these regions, and his brother, Bartholomew Columbus, Adelantado of Hispaniola, who has also sailed along these coasts, supported this opinion by his own judgment. From thenceforth, every Spaniard who thought he understood the science of computing measurements, has drawn his own map; the most valuable of these maps are those made by the famous Juan de la Cosa, companion of Hojeda, who was murdered, together with the ship's captain, Andre Moranes, by the natives of Caramaira, near ...
— De Orbe Novo, Volume 1 (of 2) - The Eight Decades of Peter Martyr D'Anghera • Trans. by Francis Augustus MacNutt

... many rapids and over many falls. But I didn't seem to get what I wanted out of it because I knew there were only two possible outcomes—I would either go to the bottom or arrive at the sea level. I've played all games at cards; but the mathematicians have spoiled that sport by computing the percentages. I've made acquaintances on trains, I've answered advertisements, I've rung strange door-bells, I've taken every chance that presented itself; but there has always been the conventional ending—the ...
— Strictly Business • O. Henry

... the compass bearing will be the required deviation, which you should compare with your Deviation Table. If there is a marked difference, and you are sure of your figures, use the new deviation in computing courses on ...
— Lectures in Navigation • Ernest Gallaudet Draper

... England and America is therefore not be resolved by computing the burden of a penny tax, or by exposing the sordid motives of British merchants and Boston smugglers, still less by coming "armed at all points with law cases and acts of Parliament, with the statute-book doubled down in dog's ears" to defend ...
— Beginnings of the American People • Carl Lotus Becker

... one hour and half of noon.] The poet uses the Hebrew manner of computing the day, according to which the third hour answers to our twelve o'clock ...
— The Divine Comedy • Dante

... in household accounts, in measurements, in the division of recipes, and in computing the cost of foods prepared ...
— Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Household Management • Ministry of Education

... stranger during the night. In the morning, however, a gloom was again cast over the spirits of some of the most superstitious by the remark of a meddlesome old West India captain, that undoubtedly Cochran, like the seers of olden times, made his calculations according to the "old style" of computing time. Thus twelve additional days were allowed to pass before they dared give a full loose to their joy at ...
— Jack in the Forecastle • John Sherburne Sleeper

... solid parts have been formed after the ocean was inhabited by those animals which are proper to that fluid medium. If, therefore, we knew the natural history of those solid parts, and could trace the operations of the globe, by which they had been formed, we would have some means for computing the time through which those species of animals have continued to live. But how shall we describe a process which nobody has seen performed, and of which no written history gives any account? This is only to be investigated, first, in examining the ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4) • James Hutton

... of 1 per centum of such gross receipts for the fifth distant signal equivalent and each additional distant signal equivalent thereafter; and in computing the amounts payable under paragraph (ii) through (iv), above, any fraction of a distant signal equivalent shall be computed at its fractional value and, in the case of any cable system located partly within and partly without the local service area of a primary transmitter, gross ...
— Copyright Law of the United States of America: - contained in Title 17 of the United States Code. • Library of Congress Copyright Office

... Continent, generally, the interval observed before burial is far too short for safety. They calculate that in France from twenty to thirty are annually interred alive, computing from the number of those who, after supposed death, come to life before the funeral is completed. I cannot help imagining that this seeming death must be much less frequent in England than in some other countries; (is that owing to the more vigorous practice for which English medical ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 378, April, 1847 • Various

... in no time, dear. Where are we to dine?" She glanced at her little crystal clock as she spoke, as if she were computing casually the length of the drive before dinner. But what she said in her heart was, "At this time to-morrow it will all have ...
— The Heart of Rachael • Kathleen Norris

... the reproduction of a surface element in the place of a sharply reproduced point—the constant of the sine relationship must also be fulfilled with large apertures for several colours. E. Abbe succeeded in computing microscope objectives free from error of the axis point and satisfying the sine condition for several colours, which therefore, according to his definition, were "aplanatic for several colours''; such systems he termed "apochromatic''. While, however, the magnification ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

Words linked to "Computing" :   megaflop, disc, counter, guest, retrieval, detail file, calculation, storage, packet, firewall, programmer, syntax error, bbs, resolution, emulation, processor, operation, computer peripheral, text editor, computer hardware, disambiguator, computer menu, mainframe, object-oriented programming language, reduced instruction set computer, unformatted capacity, computer programmer, operating system, complex instruction set computing, text file, architecture, algorithm error, teraflop, package, editor program, CISC, CPU, programme, write, magnetic core, file name, storage allocation, cybernate, icon, reference, open-source, cascading menu, allocation, IP, hierarchical menu, accumulator register, information processing system, computer backup, latency, initialisation, peripheral device, baud rate, bit field, hardware error, cache, computer architecture, ASCII, concatenate, foreground, object-oriented programing language, disc space, head crash, hard copy, peripheral, binary file, dedicated file server, domain name, cursor, parity, read-only file, netmail, disk, electronic mail, command overhead, computer code, real time, ROM, track-to-track seek time, runtime error, informatics, program, address, off-line, background, interpreter, serial, service program, reduced instruction set computing, display adapter, seek time, semantic error, partition, dongle, backup file, computer address, check bit, utility program, error, argument, export, time sharing, program line, bad block, dump, block, information science, pel, software package, overhead, artificial intelligence, computer database, process, addressable, low-level formatting, high-level formatting, bits per second, electronic database, electronic computer, host, track, interface, dual inline package switch, iterate, compiler, crash, ontology, microcode, protocol, computer file, formatted capacity, programming language, save, menu, real-time, computer readable, on-line, rasterize, data processing, font cartridge, drive, code, recalculation, instruction, pointer, computer circuit, execution, MIPS, ping, software engineer, network, capacity, logic, descriptor, command processing overhead, virtual memory, initialization, million floating point operations per second, spam, interoperability, erasable programmable read-only memory, computer error, computation, interoperable, power user, mathematical operation, memory access, command processing overhead time, soft copy, panel, seek, bulletin board, magnetic core memory, shift register, run-time, object, import, video, light pen, utility, statement, disk file, screen font, pixel, ai, magnetic disk, server, clear, bits per inch, router, RISC, computer simulation, engineering, software program, nonsolid colour, disc pack, central processor, programing language, software system, submenu, node, central processing unit, backup, command key, emulate, picture element, million instructions per second, bpi, nonparallel, compiling program, fragmentation, mathematical process, data track, desktop publishing, file transfer protocol, ASCII character set, job, e-mail, fixed storage, DIP switch, master file, input file, engineering science, scroll, American Standard Code for Information Interchange, disk drive, information processing, information theory, on-line database, document, window, machine readable, computer network, computer program, instruction execution, dithered colour, disk controller, device driver, computerize, index register, positioner, standard generalized markup language, bulletin board system, email, procedure, terminal emulation, directory, output file, electronic stylus, user interface, communications protocol, simulation, security system, iteration, online, computer file name, dithered color, access, port, dialog box, hardware, display adaptor, computing system, read/write head, computer programme, computer filename, spool, disc drive, streaming, computer software, Army High Performance Computing Research Center, electronic bulletin board, software error, SGML, cascade, coder, parameter, Winchester drive, FTP, EPROM, input data, mapquest, prompt, computer, buffer storage, baud, run-time error, software, cartridge font, screen saver, disk overhead, MFLOP, applied science, head, command prompt, core memory, data processor, core, command, firmware, printer, field, rotary actuator, loop, computerise, electronic information service, desktop, stovepiped, programming error, transaction file, memory cache, access time, subdirectory, client, transposition, nonsolid color, parity bit, number crunching, computing device, computer science, buffer store, load, disk space, screen background, core dump, read-only memory, non-dedicated file server, looping, parallel, execution speed, raster font, disk error, GIGO, google, accumulator, data encryption, main file, control key, filename, editor, register, computing machine, in series, RAM disk, disk pack, driver, file server, overwrite, trillion floating point operations per second, magnetic disc, technology, title bar, os, hard drive, input, complex instruction set computer, C.P.U., interpretive program, bps, buffer, read-only storage, virtual storage, rotational latency

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