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Slaughterous   Listen
Slaughterous  adj.  Destructive; murderous.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Slaughterous" Quotes from Famous Books

... his weak old age. There would I go, and hang my armor up, And with my great name fence that weak old man, And spend the goodly treasures I have got, And rest my age, and hear of Sohrab's fame, And leave to death the hosts of thankless kings, And with these slaughterous hands draw sword no more." He spoke, and smiled; and Gudurz made reply:— "What then, O Rustum, will men say to this, When Sohrab dares our bravest forth, and seeks Thee most of all, and thou, whom most he seeks, Hidest thy face? Take heed lest men ...
— Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 6 • Charles H. Sylvester

... away into the shadows across the desolation of the plain, pursued, whether by one or by the thousand they could not guess; for the gallop was noiseless on the powdered soil, and the Arab yell of baffled passion and slaughterous lust was half drowned in the rising of the wind-storm. Had it been day, they would have seen their passage across the level table-land traced by a crimson stream upon the sand, in which the blood of ...
— Under Two Flags • Ouida [Louise de la Ramee]

Words linked to "Slaughterous" :   butcherly, sanguineous, slaughter

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