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Scorner   Listen
Scorner  n.  One who scorns; a despiser; a contemner; specifically, a scoffer at religion. "Great scorners of death." "Surely he scorneth the scorners: but he giveth grace unto the lowly."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Scorner" Quotes from Famous Books

... Britannica, which I should have been glad to see in his life which has been written for the second edition of that valuable work. 'To deny the exercise of a particular providence in the Deity's government of the world is certainly impious: yet nothing serves the cause of the scorner more than an incautious forward zeal in determining the particular ...
— Life Of Johnson, Volume 4 (of 6) • Boswell

... with a B- which, as I remarked at the moment, 'scorched my brain.' She went away soon afterwards, and when the hollow throng (though to be sure it was no fault of theirs) dispersed, I issued forth, with a dissipated scorner, and, as I mentioned expressly to him, 'sought oblivion.' It was found, with a dreadful headache in it, but it didn't last; for, in the shaming light of next day's noon, I raised my heavy head in bed, looking back to the birthdays behind me, and tracking the circle by which I had got round, ...
— The Uncommercial Traveller • Charles Dickens

... earth bring forth her increase, just as readily for the colored agriculturist as for his pale face neighbor. Yes, and our common mother Earth will, when life is ended, as readily open her bosom to receive your remains in a last embrace, as that of the haughty scorner of our rights. ...
— Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman • Austin Steward

... Trego. She could not overlook the impression he conveyed of rugged honesty and straightforwardness. However strong the aversion he inspired, Sally could ignore neither that impression nor yet its correlative, that if he was not an over-righteous scorner of lies, he was the sort that would suffer much rather than seek ...
— Nobody • Louis Joseph Vance

... Had earth yet one whose smile could stir, My spirit with deep love for her? Yes, though within me hope was dead, And wild Ambition's dreams were fled; Though o'er my blighted heart, Despair Desponded, love still nestled there; Love! how the pale-faced scorner's lip Would sneer, to hear me name that name; Yet was it deep within my soul A secret but consuming flame; Whose overruling mastership, Defied slow Reason's dull control! And felt for one of that vile ...
— Mazelli, and Other Poems • George W. Sands

... came downstairs," continued the other with only a venomous glance toward the seat of the scorner, "I thought to myself what's the matter with taking a look at the swells feeding in the big restaurant. You may not know it, people, but Sherry's is the ree-churchiest place in Nuh Yawk to eat dinner. It's got 'em all beat. So I stopped at the door and took 'em in. Swell? Oh, you ...
— Success - A Novel • Samuel Hopkins Adams

... said," concluded the Bishop of Arras, summing up his previous statements, "of the wise scorner of the world upon the throne, who cast aside sceptre and crown in order, as a pious recluse, to secure the salvation of his soul and, like a second Diogenes, to listen to the wealth of his thoughts and investigate ...
— Uarda • Georg Ebers

... has dwarfed you mentally and morally, and robbed you of the spontaneity and enthusiasm of youth. When it has hardened you to the needs and sufferings of others, and made you a scorner of the ...
— Pushing to the Front • Orison Swett Marden

... "Beware, O scorner of women! for I tell thee that ere much time hath passed thou shalt know love—aye, in such fashion as few men ...
— Beltane The Smith • Jeffery Farnol

... wealth's crowded road, And swells the tumult on the breeze, 'tis sweet, Thoughtful, at length reclined, To list the wrathful hum. What though the weakly gay affect to scorn The loitering dreamer of life's darkest shade, Stingless the jeer, whose voice Comes from the erroneous path. Scorner, of all thy toils the end declare! If pleasure, pleasure comes uncalled, to cheer The haunts of him who spends His hours in quiet thought. And happier he who can repress desire, Than they who seldom mourn a ...
— My Schools and Schoolmasters - or The Story of my Education. • Hugh Miller

... Let not the scorner forget that Matthew Arnold, that admirable critic and fine poet, confesses to reading Peter Bell with pleasure ...
— The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, Vol. 1 (of 3) - 1809-1859 • John Morley

... leave this fatal place; Fly from the court's pernicious neighbourhood; Where innocence is sham'd, and blushing modesty Is made the scorner's jest; where hate, deceit, And deadly ruin, wear the masks of beauty, And draw deluded fools with shows ...
— Jane Shore - A Tragedy • Nicholas Rowe

... small and cheap about him—and Brent had made small cheap men forever intolerable to her. Yes, here was a man of the big sort; and a big man couldn't possibly be a bad man. No matter how many bad things he might do, he would still be himself, at least, a scorner of the pettiness and sneakiness ...
— Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise • David Graham Phillips

... the Survivors of the Balaclava Charge. This is an excellent idea, that may be developed to almost any extent. Could we not have the Hero who had read every Novel that has been published during the last six months; the Brave Man who has been to every Dramatic Matinee since January; and the Scorner of Death, who has existed during an entire season in the odours (sweet, or otherwise) of Kensington and Tyburnia? The latter on the present occasion might immediately precede the Lord MAYOR Elect, for, by association of ideas, he would ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 99., November 8, 1890 • Various

... the saintly Pharisee, The publican, the sinner, all were there, The doubting, sneering, questioning Sadducee, Just risen from his seat, the scorner's chair. ...
— Verses and Rhymes by the way • Nora Pembroke

... it. He is ever of two minds: hot head and cold heart, flaming heart and chilled head. He will be for God and the enemy of God; will expect heaven and tamper with hell. With rage he will go up, laughing come down. Ho! He will be for you and against you; eager, slow; a wooer, a scorner; a singer of madrigals, ah, and a croaker afterwards. There is no stability in him, neither length of love nor of hate, no bottom, little faith.' ...
— The Life and Death of Richard Yea-and-Nay • Maurice Hewlett

... explaining. The same wise judge of matters equine Who still preferred some slim four-year-old To the big-boned stock of mighty Berold, And, for strong Cotnar, drank French weak wine, He also must be such a lady's scorner! Smooth Jacob still robs homely Esau: Now up, now down, the world's one seesaw. —So, I shall find out some snug corner Under a hedge, like Orson the wood-knight, {910} Turn myself round and bid the world goodnight; And sleep a sound sleep till the trumpet's blowing Wakes me (unless priests ...
— Introduction to Robert Browning • Hiram Corson

... weed of war, All troubled were the minds of men, and midst of tumult sore All Latium swore the battle oath, and rage of men outbroke; Messapus then, and Ufens great, the dukes of warring folk, Mezentius, scorner of the Gods, these drive from every side The folk to war, and waste the fields of tillers far and wide. And Venulus is sent withal to Diomedes' town To pray for aid, and tell him how the Teucrians are come down 10 On Latium: how AEneas comes with ...
— The AEneids of Virgil - Done into English Verse • Virgil

Words linked to "Scorner" :   disagreeable person, sneerer, scorn

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