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Korean   Listen
Korean  adj.  Of or pertaining to Korea; as, Korean handicrafts; the Korean war.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Korean" Quotes from Famous Books

... century later a Japanese priest known as Tetsu-yen[754] reproduced it and his publication, which is not uncommon in Japan, is usually called the O-baku edition. There are two modern Japanese editions: (a) that of Tokyo, begun in 1880, based on a Korean edition[755] with various readings taken from other Chinese editions. (b) That of Kyoto, 1905, which is a reprint of the Ming collection.[756] A Chinese edition has been published at Shanghai (1913) at the expense of Mrs. ...
— Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Charles Eliot

... the entire subsequent period and his influence extended as far as Korea, where traces of it were still to be found as late as the fifteenth century. As the history of Korean painting becomes better known, we shall be able to say with more accuracy what it owes to other Chinese masters; but in so far as those mentioned are concerned, their influence appears to have been sufficiently strong to impress a ...
— Chinese Painters - A Critical Study • Raphael Petrucci

Words linked to "Korean" :   Korean lespedeza, Altaic, North Korean won, Korean War, Korean Strait, Korean Peninsula, North Korean monetary unit, Korean lawn grass, North Korean, Korea, Korean velvet grass, South Korean, South Korean won

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