"Infatuate" Quotes from Famous Books
... Rome, have insulted; Apollo's priests in Greece, Phaebades and Pythonissae, by their oracles and phantasms; Amphiaraus and his companions; now Mahometan and pagan priests, what can they not effect? How do they not infatuate the world? Adeo ubique (as [6408]Scaliger writes of the Mahometan priests), tum gentium tum locorum, gens ista sacrorum ministra, vulgi secat spes, ad ea quae ipsi fingunt somnia, "so cunningly can they gull the commons in all places and countries." But above all ... — The Anatomy of Melancholy • Democritus Junior
... general's wife—"a dishonorable man, who has misused our confidence. We confided to him our daughter to teach, and paid him for it. He improved the opportunity to make a declaration of love, and stole the time from us to infatuate the heart of our daughter with flattery, and from his pupil win ... — Old Fritz and the New Era • Louise Muhlbach
... who can begin to elicit any woman's love, can perfectly infatuate her more and more, solely by courting her right; and all women who once start a man's love—no very difficult achievement—can get out of him, and do with him, anything possible she pleases. The charming and fascinating power of serpents ... — Social Life - or, The Manners and Customs of Polite Society • Maud C. Cooke
... She was determined to see who it was that could so infatuate her dear little Momselle; and, as on such an evening as the present afternoon promised to merge into all New Orleans promenaded on the Place d'Armes and the levee, her charm was a ... — The Grandissimes • George Washington Cable
... see The martial son of Atreus by a shaft 115 Subdued of thine, placed on his funeral pile. Come. Shoot at Menelaus, glorious Chief! But vow to Lycian Phoebus bow-renown'd A hecatomb, all firstlings of the flock, To fair Zeleia's[5] walls once safe restored. 120 So Pallas spake, to whom infatuate he Listening, uncased at once his polished bow.[6] That bow, the laden brows of a wild goat Salacious had supplied; him on a day Forth-issuing from his cave, in ambush placed 125 He wounded with an arrow ... — The Iliad of Homer - Translated into English Blank Verse • Homer
... round." Nor may I tell thee more, save that the meed Of sorrow well-deserv'd shall quit your wrongs. And now the visage of that saintly light Was to the sun, that fills it, turn'd again, As to the good, whose plenitude of bliss Sufficeth all. O ye misguided souls! Infatuate, who from such a good estrange Your hearts, and bend your gaze on vanity, Alas for you!—And lo! toward me, next, Another of those splendent forms approach'd, That, by its outward bright'ning, testified The will ... — The Divine Comedy • Dante
... the infatuate Master Cino spent the rest of the night in a rapture of poetry? It was not voiced poetry, could never have been written down; rather, it was a torrent of feeling upon which he floated out to heaven, in which he bathed. It thrilled through every fibre of his body till he felt ... — Little Novels of Italy • Maurice Henry Hewlett
... he was sorely handicapped by the weakness of a sentimental nature; women would persist in falling in love with him—always, unhappily, women of moderate means. He couldn't help being sorry for them and seeking to assuage their sufferings; he couldn't forever be running away from some infatuate female; and so he was forever being found out and forgiven—by women. Most men, meanly envious, disliked him; all men held him in pardonable distrust. ... — Nobody • Louis Joseph Vance
... inveterate dislike of siding with a person or a cause; but behind that is always his deep and fervent conviction that neither of the conflicting opinions can completely express the truth, that human hatred and purblindness infatuate men's minds. And with that conviction is allied the noble illusion that it might yet be possible to preserve the peace by moderation, insight, ... — Erasmus and the Age of Reformation • Johan Huizinga
... Paeon healed him, sprinkling pain-assuaging remedies, for he was not at all mortal. Audacious, regardless one! who felt no compunction in doing lawless deeds,—who with his bow violated the gods that dwell in Olympus. But against thee azure-eyed goddess Minerva has excited this man. Infatuate! nor does the son of Tydeus know this in his mind, that he is by no means long-lived who fights with the immortals, nor ever at his knees will sons lisp a father's name, as he returns from war and dreadful battle. Therefore, let the son of Tydeus now, though he be very brave, have a care, ... — The Iliad of Homer (1873) • Homer
... imbecile) 499; have a screw loose &c n., have a devil; avoir le diable au corps [Fr.]; lose one's head &c (be uncertain) 475. render mad, drive mad &c adj.; madden, dementate^, addle the wits, addle the brain, derange the head, infatuate, befool^; turn the brain, turn one's head; drive one nuts [Coll.]. Adj. insane, mad, lunatic, loony [Coll.]; crazy, crazed, aliene^, non compos mentis; not right, cracked, touched; bereft of reason; all possessed, unhinged, unsettled ... — Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget |