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Dog-eared   Listen
dog-eared  adj.  
Having the corners of the leaves turned down and soiled by careless or long-continued usage; said of a book; as, an old book with dog-eared pages. Note: Making a page dog-eared is sometimes done deliberately to mark a location in a book. "Statute books before unopened, not dog-eared."
Worn down, shabby.
Synonyms: eared.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Dog-eared" Quotes from Famous Books

... this is very fine, and a wonderful improvement on the old dog-eared Redinmadeasy, but better follows. After a time the children grew tired and sleepy, one fell asleep. Did the Master slap them all round and pull the ears of the poor little fat somnus? No. He marched them all out singing and beating ...
— Rides on Railways • Samuel Sidney

... her cheeks drew their dimples deep into the delicately tinted pink-and-brown, where wind and sun and wholesome exercise had set the seal of absolute health, and took from a niche in the logs of the wall a stained and dog-eared volume. He looked, and it was, indeed, the old saint and ...
— Alice of Old Vincennes • Maurice Thompson

... of angles against the starlit sky. To his surprise the central building was roomy and furnished with a big table, many chairs, and a phonograph, while the floor was carpeted with Navajo blankets, and a big shaded hanging lamp illumined the table on which were scattered many dog-eared magazines and a few newspapers. Pete had remarked upon the stables while turning his own horse into the corral. "We got some fast ones," was all that the foreman ...
— The Ridin' Kid from Powder River • Henry Herbert Knibbs

Words linked to "Dog-eared" :   eared

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